May 11, 2023
With 1,000 years of combined service in the field of education, 48 Sioux City Community School District employees were honored and celebrated at a retirement dinner held Wednesday...

April 20, 2023
Free meal program for children ages 1 through 18: closed-enrolled sites Summer food service program begins June 5
The Sioux City Community School District is once aga...

February 28, 2023
Dondi Hansen, Office Assistant @ West Middle School
" Ms. Hansen is always willing to take on extra work. She helps keep our office clean, is a smiling face for students, su...

February 27, 2023
Sioux City, Iowa – Sioux City Community School District is proud to announce Perry Creek, Nodland, and Sunnyside elementary schools have officially become authorized as Internatio...

February 21, 2023
Starting kindergarten is a major milestone for children and their families. Rest assured; the Sioux City Community School District is ready to make the transition a memorable expe...

January 31, 2023
We're thrilled to announce the new app for the Sioux City Community School District. It's everything SCCSD, in your pocket. In our new app, you can access documents, events, and ...

January 31, 2023
Sioux City, Iowa – Part-time, full-time, and flexible jobs in the Sioux City Community School District will be highlighted during an upcoming district career fair on Monday, Febru...

December 2, 2022
Sioux City, Iowa -- Siouxlanders are encouraged to “Clothes the Gap” through Sioux City Public Schools Foundation’s annual cold weather clothing campaign. The campaign supports fa...

December 1, 2022
Carson Cameron, SPED Teacher @ Spalding Park Environmental Sciences Elementary School
“Carson works very hard to meet the needs of all of her students. She maintains a positi...